
Pastor convinces his followers to suck him because his sperm is "holy milk"

Yanditwe na: Nsanzimana Ernest 29 September 2018 Yasuwe: 6847

Valdeci Sobreni is an Evangelical pastor. He managed to convince his followers that his penis contained sacred milk.

Valdeci Sobrino Picanto, 59, was arrested in Apore, Brazil, after making the rumor that his penis was secreting sacred milk. He claimed that his pen was blessed and that the Lord had consecrated him by giving him the faculty of secreting milk, and of course he had the mission of spreading it for the purpose of evangelizing the faithful.

"He convinced us that only God could come into our lives through our mouths and that’s what He did. Often, after his preaching, he would take us into the back room of the church and ask us to have a special dinner with him until the spirit of God is revealed through his ejaculation. , attested one of the female victims of 23 years.

According to the police, the pastor testified, "It is the servant of God who is in my pants. I hope to continue my work in prison ยป

The criminal pastor, who is now in prison, would have tried to do the same with his cell partners, claiming that he still possesses sacred milk and has to benefit the most valiant.